National Church Life Survey

At the end of 2021, we launched a discernment process that seeks to listen to what God is calling this church to in its mission. We are seeking to be intentional about listening and responding to God; To know Christ, and to make Christ Known. This Mission Action Planning, or MAP, remains important even as we negotiate the challenges of uncertainty for our church in 2022. The basic process we are following is to ask three questions. Where are we now? Where is God calling us to? How do we get there?

One of the main tools we have chosen to help answer the first question is the National Church Life Survey. I am inviting you to complete this survey before the end of this month.

NCLS Research is a joint venture started by Australian church mission agencies in the early 1990s. Their research areas include studying Australian spirituality, church health, effective and sustainable leadership, and the connections between church and community. The most well known five-yearly project is called the National Church Life Survey, which has had millions of participants.

It is clear that the survey will be of most use if we have a response from the majority of our regular members. This survey will form a critical part of our planning process as it provides us with helpful information about our church and community. Therefore, we are seeking as many members of our congregation as possible to complete this 20-minute survey. You can complete a survey on a Sunday morning at church or online using the details provided on request or in the parish focus.

God's Peace

Mission Action Plan Launch

All in our parish are invited to take an active part in shaping the life of our church. We are beginning an intentional process of worship, prayer, storytelling, listening and dreaming as we seek to discern how God is calling our church in the years ahead. We tend to call this process Mission Action Planning as we seek to understand how God wants us

"To be the Anglican Church in Mt Gravatt: To Know Christ and to Make Christ Known."

It will be 125 years since the first "Divine Service" was held in the newly built church in Mt Gravatt in February next year. This parish has a strong history of serving the local area and has responded to God's call in various creative and faithful ways. Our challenge is to be intentional and open to how God is calling us now. Two events in November will kick off the Mission Action Planning process.  
On Sunday 21 November, we will be joined by Bp John Roundhill at all three services. These services will be a fantastic opportunity to begin planning with prayer and celebration led by our local Bishop.
We will be joined by the Archbishop of Brisbane, Phillip Aspinall, on Saturday morning, 27 November. The Archbishop comes to share the Vision and Mission that the Anglican Church of Southern Queensland has recently developed. It is summarised by the statement

"Flourishing faith communities: proclaiming and serving, worshipping and learning."

It is a great opportunity to be reminded of the distinctive character and history of the Anglican Church. It is also an excellent way to begin wondering how our church lives out this vision in Mt Gravatt.  
Also, on this day, leaders from our parish will share more about the process we are undertaking and help you understand how you can play your part. We will finish the day with a lunch where we strengthen and celebrate our connections one with another. This day is open to all and is intended for every member of our church. We are happy for you to participate in as little or as much as you like.
We ask that you let us know you are coming and to what by registering through the website or contacting the parish office for catering purposes.

Schedule for Saturday 27 November

9 am - Arrive
9.15 am - Welcome and Intro
9.30 am - Session 1 Vision ACSQ - Flourishing faith communities: proclaiming and serving, worshipping and learning. (Archbishop Phillip Aspinall)
10.30 am - Morning Tea (Provided)
11 am - Session 2 Having a Comprehensive Anglican Identity and Purpose (Archbishop Phillip Aspinall)
12 pm - Session 3 "Being the Anglican Church in Mt Gravatt" - launching an exploration of Vision and Purpose for 2022 
12.30 pm - Lunch (Provided)